Sustainability and Values

Sustainability and Values
Kultaranta Resort has been awarded the Green Key certification for responsible practices in its accommodation and restaurant businesses. Green Key is an international environmental label that promotes sustainable tourism. Additionally, Kultaranta Resort has been granted the Sustainable Travel Finland (STF) label as a sign for its long-term commitment to sustainable tourism. You can explore the Visit Finland Sustainable Travel Finland program here.
Kultaranta Resort aims to provide guests with an experience where sustainable development is integrated into all aspects of our operations and is a natural part of our daily work. We are committed to preventing and reducing the environmental impact of our activities and actively promote sustainable development by continuously improving our operations and setting new targets annually. Our work environment is safe, and risk and crisis management are integral to our operations. We provide ongoing training for our staff and communicate our sustainability efforts to both our employees and guests to increase environmental awareness and commitment. We are dedicated to treating all individuals equally and upholding their rights, and we combat corruption as well as any commercial, sexual, or other exploitation or harassment targeted at children, teenagers, women, minorities, or other vulnerable groups. Additionally, we work to enhance social sustainability within our community for the benefit of both our employees and guests.
Our most significant direct environmental impact arises from the use of resources like energy and water. Thus, we actively strive to reduce our energy and water consumption, minimize waste generation, and improve waste sorting. We use environmentally friendly products and resource-efficient technology. We regularly measure and monitor our environmental performance, including tracking our water, electricity, and energy consumption as well as the amount of waste generated by our operations.
Our procurement also has a substantial indirect environmental impact, especially in terms of food and chemicals. Therefore, we are committed to using organic, environmentally certified, and seasonal products and foods as much as possible, and we avoid meat, fish, or seafood products that come from endangered or protected species or stocks. We minimize food waste, use disposable utensils only in exceptional cases, and our cleaning products, detergents, and paper products are all environmentally certified.
Compliance with laws, regulations, and other requirements is our minimum standard, and we are committed to exceeding the current laws and regulations related to sustainable development.
Kultaranta Resort seeks to be at the forefront of creating a sustainable tourism industry and to inspire other operators, customers, and staff to participate in sustainability efforts.
The core values of Kultaranta Resort are courage, reliability, passion, and innovation. These values have supported our company through both ups and downs, and they remain the foundation of our future.